Debt Consolidation
With debt consolidation all of your unsecured debts are bundled up and then you will be required to pay a single monthly payment. The person handling the debt consolidation will take your payment and divide it among your creditors. You will be required to satisfy all of your existing debts.
In a debt consolidation, when your debts are added up, all the high interest and penalties will be added in. Your credit score will suffer from late payments and your credit card company will likely cancel the credit cards you consolidate.
In debt settlement, your attorney will negotiate the pay-off amount with each creditor. In those negotiations, the focus is on reducing the principal – the money you actually charged on your credit cards. Berkeley Law Group negotiates to remove high interest rates, the compounded interest that has built up over time and the late fees and over-limit fees. Berkeley Law Group will explain your options so that you can make the right choice for you and your family. Our attorneys will recommend what is in your best interest based on your specific circumstances.
Give us a call today at (800) 490-0116 now for your free debt consultation.